Who is behind EAV Point?

EAV Point is a joint project of SMe System srl and Maendeleo for Children APS with the worldwide network N-DSA-N. The platform will be made available to courses of projects of collective importance, after selection.


Who may be interested in inserting a course in the EAV Point catalog?

Project leader, WP leader, training managers, social planners and European planners.

Can I post my training course on EAV Point?

Yes, on EAV Point it is always possible to submit your training course on issues that are important for the community. Fill out the presentation form and attach your course program. Do not forget that there are three basic conditions: that the course is free for participants, that the content proposed is of public utility and that it is not in synchronous mode. If the course is deemed to be in line with EAV Point's mission, you will be contacted to proceed with the insertion in the catalog and the opening of the course. To enter your course, a contribution of only 200 euros is required for management costs, which will be regularly invoiced by SMe System srl. The members of the N-DSA-N network and the members of the NO LIMITS GROUP are entitled to the publication of 1 free course per year, not cumulative.


Does EAV Point support the dissemination of courses?

Yes, EAV Point will contribute to the dissemination of the courses available through social channels, the websites of the bodies involved, the N-DSA-N network, newsletters and other online channels. Your course will be promoted via email to all subscribers to the platform, without you coming into possession of their data. Each EAV Point user will therefore receive an invitation to register for your course as well.


What language should the course be in?

EAV Point is open to citizens from all over the world. If you are responsible for a national project (from any country), you can propose a course in your national language. If you are responsible for a European or international project, you can propose a course in English or in another language of your choice. In both cases, keep in mind that the EAV Point registration form and the website are available in Italian and English. If necessary, the registration page for your course can be structured in a language of your choice, by prior arrangement.

Can EAV Point participate as a partner in a project?

EAV Point is a joint project of SMe System and Maendeleo for Children APS, with the support of the worldwide N-DSA-N network. To include the EAV Point platform in your project, you can choose one of the two entities and involve it as a partner, agreeing on the type of role within the project. During the development of the project, the EAV Point staff will help you think about your training course in a European key and develop its contents. We also have a team of professional translators, for documents, recorded audio, subtitles and more for numerous languages, including English of course.


What is the added value of EAV Point?

EAV Point allows you to have a pool of subscribers sensitive to the themes you propose, and to reach the numerical indicators of your project with ease and quality. You will have a system that reports users who attend your course aggregated by country, sex, age, profession, to demonstrate to your donor that you have added the target you promised. You will be able to take advantage of the subscribers on the platform for other courses - without having access to their data - to send them an invitation to also follow your course. You will also have EAV and N-DSA-N support for the dissemination of your course and online promotion. If EAV Point is included in your project, we will also help you to structure your training course in a European key.

The platform will automatically generate the certificate of nominal attendance for your course for all those attending, with the logos, the project title and the other data you have communicated to us. If you need it, we have a paid service of professional translators, for documents, recorded audio, subtitles and more for numerous languages, including English of course. Each course has a personalized page for external registrations (landing page), if you request it, and an internal blog for free discussion among subscribers.

For courses limited to an Italian target, you can also purchase a selection of paper volumes on the themes of child and adolescent neuropsychiatry from the Cambia Menti series of the Alpes publishing house, of which Maendeleo for Children and the N-DSAN network, at a discounted price. they are partners, which will be delivered to you by post. You can agree that the volumes are instead delivered to each single registered student, after sending the postal addresses, with a single invoice for the volumes, the delivery service and the postal costs charged to your project.



Who is behind EAV Point?

EAV Point is a joint project of SMe System srl and Maendeleo for Children APS with the worldwide network N-DSA-N.


Who may be interested in taking a course in the EAV Point catalog?

Anyone who decides that training is an added value, from whatever country they are and whatever sector they are involved in.

Are all courses on EAV Point free?

No, not all: sometimes you will find a paid course, but they are few and marked in such a way as to avoid misunderstandings (less than 10% of the catalog). They are used to complete the training offer and make the EAV Point project sustainable, which in any case has annual fixed costs linked to the web space, management and software updating. However, these are affordable courses that do not interfere with free courses, which represent over 90% of the training offer.


In which language can I follow the training?

EAV Point gives free access to citizens from all over the world. You can freely choose the courses to participate in, for which the language of the asynchronous lessons, audio and material to be read and studied will be clear immediately, bearing in mind that the default languages ​​of the platform are Italian and English

What obligations do I have if I subscribe to EAV Point?

There is no obligation and no payment required, unless you freely choose to join one or more paid courses among those offered in the catalog. Only in the latter case will you be asked to pay the fee required in order to access the specific course (s).


Is my privacy protected?

Your data, which are used to register, log in and demonstrate participation in the courses, will be used in aggregate and anonymous form to demonstrate active participation in the courses, will not be made available for commercial purposes or for other purposes not explicitly stated, and will be visible only to those who manage the platform, and to the managers of the course /s you have chosen.

You will receive update emails of the individual courses to which you yourself have given the authorization by registering, and general emails from the EAV Point platform which will propose you the new courses in the catalog, to offer you new training opportunities! We will try to disturb you as little as possible, and only for targeted communications.

What are the advantages if I sign up?

You will have free access to all training courses offered in the catalog (except for the paid ones, which represent less than 10% of the catalog), you can freely participate in the exchange blogs of each course and download the available material. At the end of each course, upon your participation and viewing the course contents, you can download the certificate in PDF format. You will also be entitled to a discount for the purchase of a selection of volumes on the themes of child and adolescent neuropsychiatry from the Cambia Menti series of the Alpes publishing house, of which Maendeleo for Children and the N-DSAN network are partners, which will be delivered by post.


How can I support EAV Point?

As an individual citizen, you have several ways to support the platform. First of all, following many free courses and actively participating in the proposed activities: in this way we can demonstrate the importance and usefulness of our project. Secondly, by promoting registration and participation with friends and colleagues, to increase the community. You can then decide to make a liberal disbursement to Maendeleo for Children APS, binding it with the causal "EAV Point project support" or to participate in one of the few courses (less than 10% of the
Last modified: Friday, 18 March 2022, 10:36 AM